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WarmBooks.com - The Boy who fell to earth

Okay, it's just a book cover, but what happened to that poor child? Was it hurt? Click the picture to find out.

Currently Reading this book by Rebekah O'Brien's dad. Had the privilege of eating dinner with Rebekah yesterday and got to meet a really cool family. Mr. O'Brien is hilarious and very down to earth... hehe . That's actually a picture of Rebekah on the cover! It is an honor to know her as she is such अन awesome person with great artistic talent. An original composer and beautiful singer. She played 3 original songs yesterday on her little black keyboard inside her room filled with paintings, international art, and a neato music collection. Hopefully I will one day get a copy of some of her music.. the song she composed for her older brother was extremely well done... but like Billy Joel says you can't hear the sound from a story or in a magazine and the first song she played about a boy she met from her recent trip to London was definitely still rock n roll to me... it had an awesome intro. Oh Canadians.. they really are cool! not just because they're our northern neighbors, or cause they gave us Avril Lavigne.... but I blame Canada for providing nice & caring people.

When I finish this book I'll post a review of it here. As of now here is a small synopsis below from his site at warmbooks.com.

Speaking of which you can actually read the entire book online for free! Go to his site and read more. Its kinda like the whole open source / GNU software thingie but with books !

Long live getting awesome things for free. and if you really like it you can donate what the book was worth to you.

the boy who fell to earth is the story of a young boy who early on observed cruelty and injustice. He could not reconcile a world of suffering with a God who was supposed to be powerful and loving. And then God visited him. He did not receive all the answers to his questions, but he had met the One who would accompany him over the years until wisdom blossomed into understanding.

Beginning with a near homicide, and a crisis of faith at age seven when he was faced with a commitment to the fires of martyrdom, his journey carries him to a racist incident in California, adventures in an Inuit settlement in Arctic Canada, life with his brother as the only white boys in a government residential school for Indians and Inuit, and his adolescent struggles with alcohol, religion and girls. On his search for the meaning of life he meets many characters, both great and small, cruel and kind. In his adult years he enters deep darkness and personal desolation. When he is nearly destroyed he again hears God's call, and responds. His journey becomes one of healing and restoration. He is now broken and humbled, and out of his brokenness a new life emerges.

It is a collection of prose pictures, each a window into some aspect of human nature, and into the spiritual dimension from where a healthy perspective can be found in every circumstance, even when in great difficulty or suffering. Mostly it is about the struggles all people experience, their hopes and fears, broken dreams and new dreams, and the way to peace and joy in the midst of sorrow. This book is full of fun and encouragement with lots of laughter, tears and anger, terrible choices and merciful redemption. Ultimately it is a book of hope with refreshment for those who have grown weary. Its intention is to remind the readers of their own stories, to shed a new light on their lives, and somehow to enable them to hope and dream again.

This book moves quickly, is filled with passion, sorrow and humor, but above all it is a book of hope. The main character is fully human, and very honest about his failings. His life is a journey of discovery where he learns that with God nothing is impossible, and in the end he understands how there can be a God in a world of suffering, and what God requires of him.

Gracias for Your Visit !

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